07498 560 288 mark@showrunnercomms.com
Showrunner is built on the foundations of a strong track record

Establishing an international tech company as a policy thought leader in the UK

Israel-based Bright Data is one of the world’s leading online data collection companies, working with thousands of global businesses – including multiple Fortune 500 companies. Owned by a UK private-equity house, they were keen to showcase their expertise in relation to the National Data Strategy (NDS) that was published by DCMS late in 2020.  With little prior experience of engaging in UK policy, they asked Showrunner to help carve out a position in UK Government circles. 

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Securing media attention and policy influence for complex research

As an agency specialising in issues-led engagement, Showrunner supports researchers at multiple leading universities to achieve impact with their work. We provide training, targeted stakeholder engagement support and content creation services for academics working across a variety of disciplines at universities including Durham, Exeter, Essex and Southampton.

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very engaging and informative articles which I am sure led to a significant increase in awareness of our nursery

Chris Holmes, Cranbrook Day Nurseries

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