07498 560 288 mark@showrunnercomms.com
We do work we believe in for purposes we care about

Get ready for the ‘local issues’ election

Showrunner’s Managing Director Mark Fuller shares his thoughts on what Rishi Sunak’s party conference speech means for the Conservative general election strategy, and the implications for those seeking to influence policy in the coming months.

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Delivering your message at live events

How do you feel about in-person events or online networking? Getting the balance right between the digital and in-person experience is becoming more important as the world finds a ‘new normal’. Showrunner’s Nicky Hobbs explores how to make the most of opportunities to connect with stakeholders at any event.

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Evaluating and reporting the value of strategic communications

Strategic communications is not an add on or a ‘nice to have’ luxury, It’s an essential requirement for organisations that help people and places to succeed. Proxy measures of success, like the volume of press coverage or the number of meetings held with the great and the good, are useful indicators but stop short of demonstrating the full value of effective strategic communications. What’s needed to generate real and sustained support from exec teams is a reporting framework that shows how comms work is aligned with business objectives; the specific issues it is addressing; how multiple workstreams overlap with one another; and, quantifiable progress over time. 

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The Showrunner way – building reputations, relationships and influence for organisations that help people and places to succeed

It’s an unfortunate reality that national attention and influence over policy tends to be dominated by major businesses, organisations and lobby groups with the resources to invest in huge in-house comms departments or pay big agency fees. By implication, smaller scale organisations who make a massive difference to their communities tend to slip beneath the radar. Showrunner exists to help level the playing field.

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Showrunner’s training was transformative for me! It’s really changed how I see policy impact and has made me so much more confident and excited by what I can do. The confident yet nurturing tone of every session increased my knowledge and awareness but, perhaps more importantly, my confidence to share my work. The training has given me a new understanding of how policy influencing works that I’ve already been able to incorporate into funding proposals.

Lynne Cairns, PhD Researcher, University of Durham